Failure To Declare Income
Gateway Housing review the rents of all tenants. This happens at least every 6 months, or if the tenant advises of a change in household circumstances. This is in accordance with the Community Housing Rent Policy from the Department of Housing and Public Works.
As a tenant of community housing, we require evidence of your income during your rent review, to ensure your rent is both fair and tailored to you. Producing this evidence is a pivotal requirement of your tenancy agreement. All proof of your income should be current.
Proof of Income
- Bank statements. This should include all accounts for all bank accounts and investment organisations for every household member over 18 within the given period.
- Income Confirmation from Centrelink. You and your household members can give consent for Gateway Housing to access your income details through Centrelink.
- Payslips.
- A current income statement from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. You can ask them to send the statements to us directly.
- A profit and loss statement. Completed by an accountant.
- A lodged tax return. Must have at least 3 months of business (if self-employed) and personal bank statements.
- Records of foreign pension payments. Obtained from a relevant foreign government. Only needed if this information is not covered by Centrelink.
- A Workcover/insurance letter or statement. Should show gross money received.
We will take the following actions should proof of income not be provided when required:
- We will meet to discuss the matter with you directly.
- If there is any impediment to providing said proof, then we will endeavour to help you resolve it.
- We will explain to you that you are in breach of your lease.
- A Notice to Remedy Breach will be issued, with 7 days to rectify it by providing proof of income.
- Should the Notice to Remedy Breach expire without providing proof of income then your rent subsidy will be removed, resulting in you paying full market price for rent.
- If proof of income is still not provided by this point then a Notice to Leave may be issued. The Notice to Leave will be revoked should we receive proof of income prior to its expiration, otherwise your tenancy will be terminated.