Gateway Housing's Evolution

The organisation was established in 1982 by local churches in response to the lack of affordable housing for disadvantaged families in the local area. At this time, it was called the South East Suburban Housing Support Group. The original site of the organisation is 6 Thynne Road, Morningside.

Edward (Ted) Cullen joins the Board, to be recognised as a life member in 2000. Ted recommenced volunteer Board duties in 2009 and is a current member, serving Gateway for a total of 26 years.

We become an incorporated association and registered charity.

After 24 years at the Morningside office we move to 1098 Wynnum Road Murarrie.

Community Management Solutions is contracted to provide professional accountancy services. Neale Brosnan continues in this role after 10 years of service.

Rodney Kent is recognized as a life member of the Board of Management, serving between 2000 and 2011.

Gateway receives funding from Brisbane City Council and volunteer fundraising to provide interest free cash loans as an alternative to high interest and Pay Day loan schemes.

From the year 2011 to 2017 the Good Shepherd organisation partnered with Gateway so our service could offer no interest loans (NILS) to the local community.
We thank Ann Davis for 22 years of service, since 1996, as a Family Support worker, as she resigns in November 2018.

In October 2019 Gateway Community Group relocates to Corporate House after 12 years at its Wynnum Road site.

In September, the Board of Management approve a new trading name – ‘Gateway Housing’ – to reflect our core service.