As a tenant of Gateway Community Group Inc., you can receive support to achieve your future goals. This is explained below. The accommodation includes independent houses in the local community. As well as providing for tenant’s accommodation needs, the service provides support to families.
About Your Tenancy and Gateway Community Group Inc.
As a tenant of Gateway Community Group Inc., you can receive support to achieve your future goals. This is explained below. The accommodation includes independent houses in the local community. As well as providing for tenant’s accommodation needs, the service provides support to families.
Community Housing Rent Calculation
Your rent is calculated using the Community Housing Rent Calculator (CHRC) provided by the Queensland Department of Housing. You are provided this calculation before you sign a lease with Gateway Community Group.
Rent can be paid weekly or fortnightly and if receiving Centrelink benefits your rent is paid by Centrepay deduction. If your income changes, please notify Gateway staff so rent can be recalculated. Gateway will provide two months’ notice of a rent increase if your income has increased. If your rent decreases in an ongoing capacity, notify Gateway staff so a new rent calculation can be completed. Overpayments of rent will be returned to you. Click Here for the Calculator.
What is a Support Plan?
Support is providing family members with any assistance that might be needed to achieve goals or meet specific needs of individuals and families whilst they are living in Gateway accommodation and whilst transitioning out of the service.
This could include:
- Liaising with Government Departments e.g. Centrelink, Department of Housing
- Providing information about other services e.g. Family Day Care
- Assistance with budgeting
- Referrals to other service providers.
What Are My Rights?
Your rights include:
- The right to assistance. If we are unable to provide assistance for your particular needs, we will attempt to refer you to the appropriate service
- The right to have your privacy respected, including the confidentiality of any information you give to us
- The right to receive support without pressure
- The right to choose to participate in services provided by the service.
What Are My Responsibilities?
Your main responsibilities within the service are:
All Tenants and lessors are bound to comply with the law. It is important to understand your rights and responsibilities in this regard during your tenancy.
Please refer to your Form 17a Renting a House or Unit in Queensland booklet enclosed. On page 5 you will find information about your rights and responsibilities
- To inform staff if you are encountering difficulties
- To work towards agreed goals with your housing support worker. These goals can be flexible and can be changed according to your situation.
Quarterly Inspections
Quarterly inspections occur every three months while you have a tenancy with Gateway. You will be provided Notice of the inspection (Form 9) for a two-hour period. The property manager will organise a time that you can be present so that any issues can be discussed.
Steps to Secure Long Term, Affordable Housing
Below is some information about accommodation options for when you leave the service. Throughout your tenancy you will work closely with Gateway staff in seeking and securing other housing. It is important to commence planning on our future accommodation when you are settled in your Gateway accommodation. There is a high demand for subsidised accommodation and the earlier you apply; the sooner housing might become available. The plans you have for future accommodation can also help you in goal setting during your stay in Gateway accommodation.
Social Housing
The Department of Housing & Public Works provides public rental housing. This is longer term secure housing. Due to the high demand for this type of housing, assistance is provided to those with the highest needs. There is a very limited supply of Department of Housing properties so it is not guaranteed that you will be offered a Department of Housing property. You must meet all the eligibility criteria to apply for Department of Housing properties.
Community Rental Scheme
The Community Rent Scheme (CRS) is transitional housing that provides housing to eligible persons. CRS assists and supports those in need to build their capacity to progress to longer term living arrangements, in private or social housing. The Department of Housing & Public Works can provide you details and an application to access the Community Rent Scheme. You will need to check that your information has been shared with the Community Rent Scheme. The Housing Support worker can assist you with accessing and completing documentation.
Private Rental Properties
If your family decides to move to a private rental property, assistance might be available through the Department of Housing & Public Works and Centrelink.
Assistance could include:
A Bond Loan
Financial assistance, in the form of a loan is available to assist you to move into private rental accommodation, including caravan parks and boarding houses.
Eligibility criteria includes:
- You must have no outstanding debts with the Department of Housing
- You must have been living in the area (Brisbane) for at least 6 weeks
- You must be on a low income and eligible to Centrelink benefits.
A rental grant provides payment of the first two weeks rent on your tenancy. This money does not have to be repaid by you. There is a stricter eligibility criterion for the loan so if even if you’re successful in applying for a bond loan, you might not be eligible for a rental grant.
National Rental Affordability Scheme
The National Rental Affordability Scheme is an Australian Government initiative which offers investors financial incentives to increase the supply of affordable rental properties. Contact the Department of Housing’s call centre on 13 74 68 to register or speak with your housing support worker. The details of properties and their location are on the department’s website at www.qld.gov.au/housing/renting/nras/
Rent Connect
The Department of Housing & Public Works has developed Rent Connect to help people find and secure a tenancy in the private rental market. A specialist housing service officer is available to provide information, practical advice and work with clients. For more information, call 13 74 68.